About the collective installation created in conjunction with Zeitgeist Gallery and VTV, presented at the MAPA art fair — Buenos Aires, ARG.
Transcendence — trying to stick to a simple definition, without claiming to be exhaustive — consists of going beyond natural limits. The semantics (meaning) of this word has its origin in the Latin lexicons trans (“across” or “through”) and scandere (“to climb”, “to ascend”). That said, Trans-Scandere seems a fitting name for the installation that occupies this precise MAPA site. Designed by VTV.xyz with the NFTs of the Aura platform, Trans-Scandere occurs at the invitation of Zeitgeist Gallery.
In relation to the arts and philosophy, transcendence has often been confused with a certain being remembered: a supposed immortality after the “physical disappearance” of the person who made a certain work in life. But transcendence does not lie so much in the personal as in what is detached -separated- from the person; what can “go beyond the natural limits” will be a painting, a concept, a film or, in short, any creative or destructive action that is understood as a work.
In this sense, it should come as no surprise that among the NFTs on display at Trans-Scandere we find works by artists such as Carmelo Arden Quin and Eduardo Pla — who in some way visualized the powers of technique, from explorations with spatiality and its frames (Arden Quin) or with the use of electronic images (Pla) — together with artists like GARO/Arpanet, Milton Sanz, Y3000w, Encodesgem and Nikita Panin, who have forged part of their trajectory (if not all) in digital arts.
Trans-Scandere then configures a bidirectional transcendence, since, while artists whose works were designed within the limits of physical representation are now shown digitized, and those who conceived their work directly for screens are exhibited in a complex structure that determines their location in physical reality. Thus the physical and digital works are displaced beyond the limits of their conception.
The structure designed by VTV.xyz, made from the recycling and readaptation of technological discards -which implies taking certain matter to cross its end, not stopping at its supposed limit: waste-, gives us a formation of tubes and screens that seeks to expand the possibility of making use of reason and thought (logos) with respect to the way we do things (tekhné).
Technology has determined the behavior of humanity from the discovery of fire to the present day. The current that the digital arts are developing by its hand, today, transcends towards another reality, invented, virtual, exclusively human: a reality of our own imagination, perceptible, sensitive. Exploring the creative powers it offers us is a very important part of the destiny of our species, Trans-Scandere is -one- example of this.